Tui na Training

One of the main purposes of the UK Register of Tui na Chinese massage is to build educational standards as the demand for training grows. We want to encourage experienced practitioners from all backgrounds to share their knowledge and expertise and include all the different styles of Tui na.

If you are running a Tui na course or would like to check that an existing course matches our core curriculum, please contact us. When we learn of professional training courses, supervised clinics and CPD events that meet our core curriculum we’ll list them on this site.

Core Curriculum

The UKRTCM Core Curriculum covers all subject areas involved in the professional practice of Tui na. This is to ensure that its Practitioner Members have a thorough grounding in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and Western sciences (anatomy, physiology, pathology), as well as a high level of competence in the application of Tui na techniques and a minimum of 70 hours supervised clinical practice.

RTCM recognised professional training courses

Click here to view colleges which run professional Tui na courses that meet or exceed the requirements of the core curriculum.

CPD Courses & Seminars

Details of future CPD courses will be posted here shortly.  

Let us know if you’re running any courses which we could include here contact us.

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